architecture burial celtic christian church churchyard cross dead death England english grave Gravestones graveyard Great Britain historical masonry memorial old peace religion religious remembrance rural stone Sussex ancient beard bust carving Devon elements expression eyes face head man mouth nose visage abbey church apqse catholic encyclopedia cistercian abbey cloister french revolution lavender fields Monks provende romanesque style senanque abbey website the three sisters of provence trappistes vaucluse 12th Century building dark decorative entrance gable Hopperstad mediaeval medieval norway norwegian ornamental ornate pillars stave tar tarred threshold tiles Vik wooden black crater craters evil fishmonk halloween light lit moon moons night nights planet planets sea seas silhouette silhouetted silhouettes skies sky space spire white carved gables sea dragon seadrake angles appearance arch arched architectural catholic chapel christianity exterior external frontage heritage high historic history isolated lighting palm-trees palms past perspectives remote roman-catholic stonework style trees graves Hampshire porch quiet railings roof tombs tombstones tranquil tree clock honour parish pillar respect tower war window World wreath portholes turret

search result for church architecture (909)

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9 1 grade account_circle Celtic cross
0 0 grade account_circle Man's face
8 1 grade account_circle Senanque Abbey
4 1 grade account_circle Ancient church
58 4 grade account_circle moony in spired
3 1 grade account_circle Ancient church gable end
0 0 grade account_circle chapel entrance1
3 1 grade account_circle Churchyard view
3 0 grade account_circle War memorial
1 0 grade account_circle Ancient church
1 0 grade account_circle Ancient church
3 0 grade account_circle Village church
49 1 grade account_circle Abbey cloisters
74 4 grade account_circle Abbey cloisters
75 3 grade account_circle Abbey cloisters
10 2 grade account_circle In the village
2 0 grade account_circle Dragon
3 0 grade account_circle Dragon
9 0 grade account_circle decorative church entrance
1 0 grade account_circle London from the Shard 11
5 0 grade account_circle decorative church entrance 2
4 0 grade account_circle clock tower church
28 2 grade account_circle clock tower church
4 0 grade account_circle clock tower church
3 0 grade account_circle clock tower church
1 0 grade account_circle Ancient church
17 0 grade account_circle closed doors
38 1 grade account_circle closed doors
1 0 grade account_circle renovations needed
2 0 grade account_circle upward sweep
2 0 grade account_circle clock & bell tower1
6 0 grade account_circle wood, walls & windows
1 0 grade account_circle pointing to the skies
0 0 grade account_circle pointing to the skies
7 0 grade account_circle English Church
0 0 grade account_circle Cathedral in Pisa
6 1 grade account_circle Cathedral entrance (HDR)
0 0 grade account_circle colonial church architecture3
0 0 grade account_circle colonial church architecture2
0 0 grade account_circle colonial church architecture1
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